Monday 4 November 2013

10 Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight

There can be plenty of reasons for not losing weight despite great efforts. The top reasons why you can’t lose weight feature some of the most essential ones that set you back by miles in achieving that perfect hour-glass figure or six-pack abs.

1. Not getting enough sleep

Lack of sleep can hinder weight loss goals. It also slows down metabolism and affects leptin and ghrelin, the hunger hormones. Research suggests that inadequate sleep leads to high quantities of ghrelin, low quantities of leptin and weight gain.

2. Eating hidden sugars

Food items that contain hidden sugar include breakfast cereals, muesli bars, sauces, spread and sports drinks. Sugars contribute to conditions such as dental decay, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

3. Counting calories and not nutrients

The obsession associated with calorie control often tends one in overlooking the biggest aspect of food nutrients. Intake of foods that are rich in nutrient should be increased and also nourish the body with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins found in vegetables, fruits and whole foods.

4. Absorbing environmental oestrogens

These synthetic chemicals are found in fertilisers, plastics, cosmetics and detergents. Excess levels of oestrogen can lead a person in gaining weight. One needs to get rid of plastic containers and bottles and choose glass instead. Buying organic products can also be a solution.

5. You can’t lose weight if you’re sitting down too much

Doing sedentary jobs, watching TV series or spending too much time on Facebook is too distant from our hunter ancestors. One might think that they are way too busy to exercise when the reality is that we are born to move. Fidgeting can be a perfect solution even how weird it may sound. Hundreds of calories get burned by those who fidget throughout the day.

6. No time to cook

Busy lifestyle and fast food have joined hands to make sure that one doesn’t spend too much time at home in preparing foods. Having breakfast on the way or takeaway for dinner will sound “trouble” for the waistline. This is one of the primary reasons why you can’t lose weight if you are highly dependent on street foods 24×7.

7. Dealing with hormonal condition

Weight gain can be caused by hormonal conditions like hypothyroidism, insulin resistance and polycystic ovarian syndrome. One should be increasing their protein intake, seaweed, vegetables and essential fatty acids and exclude refined carbohydrates.

8. Believing the food hype

Processed foods’ marketing can be quite confusing. Packages may read “no artificial colours” or “source of calcium” when they are still packed with sugar. This can be prevented by reading the ingredients list thoroughly.

9. Body has a definite set point

The body is programmed in such a way that it fights to stay in certain weight. This set point can be lowered by steadying weight loss via proper exercise and a balanced diet.

10. Scared of essential fats

These are important for the brain, the heart and for the production of hormones. Body actually use essential fats to lower down LDL cholesterol.

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